Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Follow Your Dreams

Hello World !!

      Sometimes people only go to college because their parents/family expect them to, or even force them to. Then on top of expecting them to go, they force them to study in a particular field because of how much money they can make. What's the point of making so much money, if you're going to be miserable doing it?  A lot of people have been blessed with the gift of art. Such as; painting, drawing, hair, makeup, fashion designing, sculpting, editing, pottery, poetry, dance, sing, hosting, disc jockey, professional sport player, writing etc. But because these things are considered "hobbies" and not a way to survive in life, they often are forced to take up something more "practical".

       The people who are blessed with these "hobbies" are usually passionate about them. They are passionate about positively affecting everyone they come in contact with. They don't do it FOR the money, the money is just a bonus. They simply love what they do.

       I am so happy that I have a very supportive mother who ALWAYS encouraged me to continue to do what I loved. She never discouraged me in any dream I had. She never told me that it would be too hard, that it would take too long, or that I wouldn't make much money doing it. She always said if that's what you want to do, I will support you 100%. I remember back when I was four, My mother would always have me say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Today, I firmly believe that if it is meant to be, you will prosper in it. Especially if you work hard for it.


*Follow your dreams
*Don't be afraid go out on that limb and take a chance at what could possibly be. The honest truth is that, you'll never know until you try it for yourself.
*Don't let anyone live the life they wish they had, through you.
*Be all YOU were created to be.
*Don't be afraid to fail and don't be afraid of rejection.

With that being said, I would like to announce the beginning of a new journey in my life. I am currently in the process of beginning the publishing process of my first Children's book. Yes, I said first, signifying that there should and will be more to come. With this book I hope to reach libraries, classrooms, and homes to show children the art of patience and acceptance, with a little bit of humor. Even for us adults it can be hard to accept the things we can not change and MANY of us lack patience. (Let's be real) But with this book I hope to encourage the two, with a commonality amongst children; welcoming a new baby! I feel the book will be suitable for ages 7 and up. I have started a campaign through GoFundMe to begin the process. I have reached more than a quarter of my goal in only 5 days ! I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who really support and believe in me and my dream. If you are interested in donating to the cause CLICK ME. If you are unable to give a monetary gift at this time, please support by sharing my story with others who can benefit from my book. That includes, teachers, principals, mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends, EVERYONE. 

Thank You For Reading, Be Blessed !


 photo cred:

Monday, August 11, 2014

10 Months Post BC: DIY Crochet Braids

Hello World & Naturalistas !


Today I'll be giving my experience on doing my very own crochet braids. I will talk about the type of hair I used, what I did, show my braiding pattern, how I prepared my hair, styling, maintence, and my overall experience so far with them.

 Before attempting crochet braids I did plenty of research. I originally wanted to have a friend do them but I wanted to try to attempt the style on my own. Check out TheChicNatural on Youtube to see how to install the hair for the crochet braids. She is the one who I referred to after I tried about 5 times and couldn't get the hair to go under my braid.

Many years ago, when I was a little booger my mom used to get crochet braids. In the 90's it was in the thing to get. They would use pre braided hair that resemebled mirco braids and install them. Since then many people have become creative and started to use pre curled hair, marley hair, braiding hair,etc. Opting out of the original crochet for box braids and kinky twists styling.

Before I installed my conrows I had I taken out my shoulder length marley twists that I had in for a month. I then pre pooed with Shea Moisture Sea Kelp & Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque, Africa's Best Hair Mayonnaise, & Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I washed and conditioned with Tressemme Shampoo and matching conditioner. Then I did a DIY deep conditioner with honey, coconut oil, Giovanni's conditioner, aloe vera juice, and water. *Here's a quick FYI for new naturals: Honey and Aloe Vera Juice are known as humectants. Humectants are things that absorb moisture, which is exactly what I wanted with this deep conditioner for THREE reasons. One being, I used a protein treatment in my pre poo. Two being, I shampooed with sulfate shampoo. Three being, I planned on keeping the style for at least a month.*

After rinsing my hair looked like this:

I must give credit to the Bentinite Clay for bringing out my curl pattern, It does wonders at stripping all the product from your hair. *If you use Clay or decide to try it* Follow up with a moisturizer/moisturizing method afterward to avoid breakage from dry hair.

After washing out that deep conditioner I added Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Curl Enhancer, Coconut oil, Olive Oil, and Naptural85's Shea Butter Mix. After hair drying my hair for a bit, my hair felt nice and soft. My aunt conrowed my hair for me in a pattern I thought would be great to do for multiple styling opportunities.

Then I started to crochet. At first I could NOT get the hair to go under my braid. So I rushed to youtube to watch the tutorial again. If you have the urge to loop the hair in the needle before you push it under the braid; resist. Loop the hair after you put the needle under the braid. I repeated this process throughout my entire hair. It took 2.5 hours to complete. This is what I was left with.

I put wayyy too much hair. But I was paprnoid of having huge gaps and it looking bad quick because of others experiences I've seen on You tube. So I kept all the hair in. I put the moisturizing curl enchancer and eco styler olive gel with water on each section brushed them out and twisted and bantu knoted it. Afer taking them down in the morning, I realized it did not take the curl. So I took out all the bantu knots and wrapped all the twists aroung flexi rods. I boiled hot water and dipped them and undid the twist. This is what I got

It was WAY too much hair, for me. And the hair wouldn't stay curled it kept poofing up as the day progressed. So I went home and took out some of the hair, cut it shorter, attempted to shape it and decided to just do two strand twists sections and dip them in hot water  that night and take them out in the morning. I hoped that I was giving the hair a real opportunity to curl. It worked better than the day before. Here are the results:

That lasted for two days and I gave up trying to get the curls to stay tight like I'd seen many other youtubers achieve. So I twsited the back and braided the sides and made a bun. I've been rocking that for a week now. My original goal was to keep this for a month but it's only been 1 week so I don't know if I can, but I will definitely try. My goal is to keep my hands out of my hair for at least 6 months. This is the start of month 2.

I would recommend this style to anyone. It's simple and easy to do and very versatile. Most people only keep it for a month. some have kept it to 6 weeks to 2 months. It just depends on each individual.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

College: 15 Things You Should Know



This is my personal survival guide for anyone entering college this incoming Fall. I briefly touch on a couple topics I think are important. Some may not apply or may differ depending on the university you attend but I tried to make them as universal as possible. Please Enjoy ! 


Before college:

1. Your Major ! 
College costs too much money and requires too much time for you to waste just because everyone else wants you to get an education. If you're still in high school make sure you have an idea of what field you would like to get into. I say "have an idea" because sometimes you get to college and your interests change. If they do change, it is best to make that change during your sophomore year at most. So many people switch their majors multiple times and take years to graduate. Don't let it be you, especially if it doesn't have to be!

2. Tour prospective college campuses
Tour multiple schools to make sure you pick the right place for you. Keep in mind campus location, campus size, classroom size, organizations, majors, clubs, etc. I did not tour my college prior to attending and when I got there I was completely lost I had no idea where anything was, it was a mess. So get to know the campus !

3. Scholarships, Grants
Utilize this wonderful resource. Because I didn't. There are so many opportunities to receive free money for a valued education. In the long run, you will be grateful and in case things don't go as planned (job wise) your credit won't be shot from the FAFSA loans you borrowed year after year.

Starting College:


4. Get involved  If you go to college out of state and you know absolutely no one, find a club to join and activities to do and acquaint yourself with everyone. Personally, I stuck with the people I knew from high school; mainly because I went to college close to home. I stayed in my dorm a lot of the time my freshman year, it inhibited from making new friends. But I did acquaint myself with those who lived in my hall. I mean I stayed out of trouble at times because of it, but personally decide what you would regret more. Not knowing or the effect after the experience.

5. Volunteer  Your future career jobs want to know that you're capable of multitasking while maintaining decent if not superior grades. And depending on what extra curricular activities you do or become a part of, it can also show them how diverse and well rounded an individual you are. You can also look into Greek Life, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Greek life benefits you in many ways. It gives you group management skills, communication skills, self discipline, prioritizing and balancing life.


6. Roommates
In college you will meet so many different kind of people, especially if your college is diverse. After receiving your roommate's contact information, talk to them. See what they're like, ask questions, be open minded and be friendly ! I personally have only had 2 good roommate experiences out of four ... so it is a tough call. Just hope for the best ! :)

7. Buy Food
Do not rely too heavily on the cafeteria food, for many reasons. The main reason I say this is because they close fairly early and you are bound to get hungry later in the evening. You can either eat the food you buy, go to the nearest convenient store, or order out. (FRESHMAN 15 written all over it) Personally my school's cafeteria food is disgusting, I literally avoid it like the plague. I honestly don't care how much it costs or how much I'm wasting. After I eat there my funeral will cost much more. I know it's sounds dramatic, but you have to go through it to understand.

8. Take full advantage  Depending on the size of your campus, you tend to be closer to everything. You're able to attend meetings, events, and programs that are in the evening that would usually pose a problem if you were commuting. And you don't have to wake up hours before to compete with traffic or coincide with public transportation times. I commuted for one semester by train and I absolutely hated it ! I was ALWAYS late ... I had to wake up around 7 just to be to class by 10 versus dorming and waking up at 9:30.



9. Are you a morning person?
If you are not a morning person, DO NOT; I repeat do NOT take 8 am classes. Now for my family who reads this, don't freak out but ... when I had my first 8 am class ... I was ALWAYS late. I just couldn't bear the thought of waking up so early and then having to actually pay attention to what was going on in class. It will take some time to get the hang off things, when it comes to registering for the best times. But over time, you will learn how to create "The perfect schedule" for you.

10. Focus on your school work
 When I was a freshman I was so hyped to actually be IN college, to be living in a dorm room, and having so much freedom. But do not get too wrapped up in partying, your grades will suffer for it. Do note that your first year will carry great weight on your overall GPA. The lower it goes, the harder it is to bring it back up.

11. Procrastination is your worst enemy
The catch with college is that on the first day of class you receive a syllabus. In it it has classroom information, professor contact, rules and regulations and due dates for assignments. If its the beginning of the semester and you see you have something due within 5 weeks, you think; WOW 5 weeks that's plenty of time ... you blow it off until .. about a week is left and guess what? during that week you have about 3 other things due. You officially start to stress, cram study, drink coffee for the first time in your life, do all nighters, etc. My freshman year I procrastinated so bad that I did not sleep for about 30 hours ... SMH. I never waited till the night before to do another project since.

12. Be a professor's pet
I know in prior education it was a bad thing to be a "teacher's pet".  And You usually get clowned for it. But in college, kissing up; especially when you know you're not doing well is one of the best ways to get a passing grade. Sit in the front of the class, answer questions, ask questions, utilize office hours, go to tutoring, etc. If you show them that you're doing your best, they usually will help you out. DISCLAIMER: (Unless you go to a big university)


13. They won't last forever

Friends you make when you first get to college, will change over the course of four years. Especially once you get into your major's core classes. Your friendships(s) may not necessarily diminish but it may not be as strong as it once was. Whether it be due to mental growth, life interests, convenience, etc. 

14. Neither will they
The first couple boys you meet in college are only looking for one thing. I know that's so cliche of me to say but it is indeed true. Most of the time guys use college to increase body counts. Unless you are trying to do the same, I suggest focusing on who you are and what you came to school to do. Worry about guys later. If you're doing you and something "just happens" then go with the flow. But don't rush into anything, you're young. Enjoy life free and single while you still can.

15. Learning who you are

College does a lot to you as an individual. But you have total control over what you allow to happen. The first thing is; make wise, responsible adult decisions. Everything that you experience will help you mature and grow mentally. Do not undermine any hardship you endure. It happened to build your muscle for LIFE after college, where you are solely responsible for yourself. Make the best of these years because you won't ever get them back. Create memories with good and bad people, and grow into the person who you were created to be. It's a part of what it's all about.

Thanks For Reading, Be Blessed !

Photo Cred:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

9 Months Post BC: July - Fav Products For My Natual Hair

Hello World !!! 

Hope Everyone is having an enjoyable summer !

In this particular post I wanted to talk about my July Favorites (Hair Addition). As the title specifies, I am 9 months natural. In case you are new to my blog I believe it is vital to know the high waters I've encountered during my journey. The good, the bad, and the ugly; LITERALLY. Please check out my previous hair blogs that can be found in the drop box on the right. Thank you!

Now as some of my blogs state; like most new naturals, I became a product junkie. I would watch videos and go out and buy everything I saw. Then I learned the importance of knowing how different products respond to different hair textures. I now know that I have very fine 4b hair. Continue reading to find out which products are my favorite and why. :)

1. Africa's Best Organic Mayonnaise Treatment

This stuff has always been a great deep conditioner for me, even when I was relaxed it brought my damaged hair back to restoration. (over time) Shout out to Shyree for introducing me to this product, first hand. Now that I am natural I use it as a pre-poo (very generously) or a leave in (very lightly). I appreciate how soft it makes my hair feel. Of course with the help of other SEALING products.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This is one of my favorite oils to use. Olive oil is one of the many oils that actually penetrate the hair shaft and therefore should be used when your hair cuticles have been wet with warmER water. Olive oil is a thicker kind of oil and gives your hair strands the ability to lock in all the moisture you gave it from water, water based products, and/or moisturizing products.

3. Cantu Shea Butter Moisturizing Curl Activating Cream

Alright, if you check out my protein overload post. CLICK ME You will know the struggle I had when using Cantu Shea Butter Leave in conditioner. But this particular Cantu product does not have "hydrolyzed protein" in it. Which I learned is the type of Protein that is beneficial to our hair, but too much without a good balance of moisture, will create a problem. The Curl Activating Cream has glycerin, aloe vera juice, shea butter, and lots of oils in it. I also found it in Walmart for 5 bucks, such a great deal! The cream makes my hair feel so soft after locking in the moisture it gives, with olive oil.

4. Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel

I say YES to this gel ! It lays it all down. My main concern is always flaking when using with other products, which I do not get from this gel. But it does get my hair hard after drying .. any tips on how I can soften it up? I'd definitely appreciate them. Feel free to leave your comments below.

5. Bentonite Clay

Shout out to my auntie for doing this clay wash on my hair as a pre-poo! She told me that the clay would remove all the build up I had on my hair from the products I've been using. I decided I'd let her do it. After washing it out, my curls looked absolutely ravishing. They haven't popped like that since I've been natural. It's important that you know that I do not co-wash unless I end up washing my hair more than once in the same week. And I always shampoo with a sulfate shampoo. But the clay ultimately cleansed my hair. I must invest in my own supply.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut has it's moisturizing properties but is not typically recommended to lock in moisture. In a previous blog where I spoke about length retention I speak about different oils, what they do and how they should be used. Please check that out for more info. CLICK ME



Saturday, June 21, 2014

Random 41 !

I love doing these, I just hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 
1. Do you drink energy drinks?

I did once and I got heart palpitations, so never again.

2. Favorite moisturizer?
I'm feeling Cocoa Butter right now

3. Do you want to get married? 

4. Do you get mad easily?
Let's just say you think you have patience until you get into certain situations, So I'm working on changing that. 
5. Do you bite your nails?  
6. Have you had a near death experience?
  Yeup.. couple of times.

7. Do you drink coffee?
 If Espresso shots are coffee then, yes.

8. Do you like swimming?
 I probably would, If I knew how.

9. What was your favorite subject in school?
I didn't have one. But I always did best in English.

10. What’s your favorite drink?  
It needs to be water. But Apple Juice is the good ol' favorite.
  11. Favorite song at the moment?  
Nothing Without You By: Jason Nelson

12. What would you name your children?
I want to name my daughter Leilani. 

13. Do you participate in any sports?  
Used to run track back in the day, those days are long gone.
14. Favorite Animal?  

15. Favorite holiday? 
 Definitely Christmas.

16. Have you graduated High School?  
3 years ago. 

17. Have you been out of the Country?  
Yes, to Jamaica; Twice. 

18. Do you speak any other Languages? 
 I really wish I could

19. Do you have any siblings?
 Baby sister 

20. What’s your favorite store?
 Clothes: Forever21 Food: Shoprite

21. Favorite Restaurant? 
Can't say, when I've been to them all I will give my judgement. 20. Favorite Movie?
 Pursuit of Happyness and John Q. 

21. Favorite Tv show?  
I don't watch TV anymore, I'm more of a computer person. But when I used to it was Grey's Anatomy.

23. What phone do you have?

24. One thing in your closet you cannot live without?  
ALL of my clothes. 

25. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you? 
 I look up random RIP videos.

26. Name one thing you want to do before you die?
 Become a teacher

27. What’s one food you cannot live without? 
 This is hard ... maybe ... candy. It's the only thing I eat on a daily basis. 

28. What quote/phrase do you live by? 
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

29. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
 Laid Back. But I clean up well. 

30. Two Hobbies? 
 Singing & Blogging.
31. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Well my family doesn't really have a nickname for me but most of the time they call me by my first name with their Jamaican accent. 

32. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
When I'm talking to someone and all of a sudden they stop listening .. it always happens. GEE, I must be one boring person. 

33. What's one of your nervous habits?

34. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Every side, People hate sleeping in the same area as me. haha. 

35. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
From what I can remember ... it was Pikachu. 

36. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks?
Vanilla Bean Frap with a shot of Espresso. 

37. What's the beauty rule you preach...but never ACTUALLY practice?
I don't actually preach beauty rules ... But if I had to choose it to be always have your brows done. And I never get mine done anymore because I cant find anyone to them correctly. 

38. Which way do you face in the shower?
*if only you could see my face right now* 

39. What's your favorite 'comfort food' that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
C A N D Y no doubt & I have the fillings to prove it. 

40. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
"Aggy !"

41. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?
Most of the time; a tee from my university and shorts or sweats.

Thanks For Reading, Stay Blessed !

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Skin Care: Product Review

Today I want to do a product review on Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub. For a while now I've been experiencing large pores. Which I researched and found that my pores aren't necessarily "becoming larger" just "dirtier". When dirt and my skin's natural oil gets trapped inside the pores, they become more visible. In the beginning I purchased the store brand version of Clean and Clear Morning Scrub with Vitamin C. That product didn't leave my face FEELING clean. Maybe it was clean but it sure didn't feel like it. Then I started using coconut oil to moisturize my skin ... which was just mistake on top of mistake. Weeks after use, my pores were still very visible. I came to the conclusion that the product was not doing it's job. At that point, I began researching facial washes that can reduce large pores. Someone suggested Biore. They said that it was a very good, very inexpensive alternative. I decided to go out and purchase this particular bottle for "Pore Unclogging". It was about 8$ at my local Walgreens. I can say that after a few washes my facial pores are definitely less visible. They are still visible but not so obvious and definitely smaller in sight. FYI: While washing with the product it tends to tingle .. I'm guessing those are the blue beads in it working on my pores. After drying my face with a washcloth, my skin becomes dry. So I re-moisturize with cocoa butter lotion.

I start of moistening my face with warm water and then rub my face with the facial scrub. I use warm water and lather the product into my skin. Then I rinse it all off thoroughly with warm water, followed by cool water. This technique is supposed to open my pores to let in the product and allow it to clean out my pores and the cool water is supposed to close them back. This method I found through research. Whether it is dermatologist approved or not, I do not know.

I always feel the need to add a disclaimer because people will go out and try these products and try these methods and blame me if they don't work. LOL Hopefully by now we are all aware that everyone is not the same and what works for one, does not work for all.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

7 Month Post BC: Protein Overload?

Now I know it always seems like it's always SOMETHING with me and this hair of mine and the fact that sometimes I just can't get it to corporate. But at the end of the day I'm okay with it because I'm learning as it's growing and as I'm growing. This is an overall process that I am learning from.

About three weeks ago my hair started to feel hard and dry right after I did it and it doesn't usually feel that way. So I did research and found out that I could be suffering from protein overload. Apparently our hair needs protein but too little or too much can be a bad thing. Now in the past, I've ranted about how much I love Cantu Shea Butter and how when I would do pre poos and after washing it out my hair would feel like butter. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Well after a while my hair didn't feel like butter; instead it felt hard and after rinsing it felt dry. The Cantu Shea Butter and pretty much every other product I was using in my hair had coconut (oil) in it and FYI coconut has protein in it. The fact that I was using Cantu Shea Butter every week, more than twice a week and shampooing and styling with coconut (oil) based products just put my hair into shock.

After that, I looked at all the labels of my hair products and temporarily stopped using all the ones that had protein or coconut (oil) in it. I used Suave Shampoo to clarify my hair and Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter with Argan Oil Masque to replenish moisture and styled using Naptural85's Shea Butter Mix. My hair felt better but I continued to use this regimen to help reduce the protein on my strands. It seems to be working... This is week three. I will keep you updated.

Now, I don't know if I really have protein overload or what because I did not go to a professional but my hair started to feel crazy dry and I needed to do something to fix it and cutting my hair's protein intake seemed to work.

For more tips and info about natural hair care check out the blog below.

Photo Cred:


7 Month Post BC: Natural Hair TAG !!

Hello to All of My Faithful and New Readers !! 

The semester is finally OVER so I get a little breathing room in my brain to catch up with these blogs for you guys. *happy dance* BRIEF UPDATE: I am trying to make my life much more exciting than it already is. HA. So I have decided to create challenges. The FIRST challenge is to begin my new years resolution. Yea, yea I know it's May and to not have started yet is crazy but it's been a rough semester. School was my main priority and work came second.  The SECOND is healthy living. Which includes eating better and working out. I realized that diabetes runs so heavily in my family and for an individual who loves CANDY I think it's crucial to monitor my intake. I plan to update you with my second challenge in future blogs.

I was watching Youtube videos; which is a daily thing for me and I came across this TAG. This particular one was made by CurlTube on Youtube Go check her out !!! Feel free to answer these questions as well, whether you choose to do them on your own blog or in the comment box below. Your feedback is ALWAYS appreciated :D

1. How long have you been natural?
7 months ... My last relaxer was in about April 2013, transitioned for 6 months then big chopped in October 2013.
2. Why did you go natural?
Because I couldn't stand the look of my thin straight hair.
3. What was your partner and/or family response to your decision to go natural?
Partner's response ... was pretty much like oo okay wow this is different haha. Grandparents said "OMG what happened to your hair?!" My mother and aunts LOVED it.
4. Did you big chop or transition?
I did both ... but when I cut my hair I was pratically bald .. so BC.
5. What is the current length of your hair?
It's shoulder length.
6. What is your hair goal?
My overall hair goal is health, despite the length. But lengthwise not too long. I don't like too much hair. Bra strap length is good enough.
7. What is your hair type?
4a & 4b curls. Thin, fine hair texture.
8. What is your staple hair style?
Twist outs ! The ONLY style I can seem to pull off.
9. What is your favorite protective style?
Senegalese Twists or Marley Twists
10. Braid out or twist out?
I've never actually tried a braid out ... when I do, I'll tell you my preference.
11. Are you a product junkie?
YES .. but I have calmed down. I like to back track on things I stopped using to see if my hair will like it that time around.
12. What is your favorite hair product?
RIGHT NOW ... I want to say the Shea Moisture Yucca and Baobab Hair Milk.
13. Do you cowash?
NEVER .. it leaves too much itchy buildup on my scalp.
14. What tool can you not live without?
my sheers. I am always trying to snip off those single strand knots.
15. Describe your natural hair journey in 1 word.
Inspiring... I've honestly been asked so many questions for advice on what someone can do with their hair or how they can achieve certain hairstyles. And it's a great feeling to know that I am inspiring someone to embrace who they are. Because honestly our hair is apart of what makes us who we are. I think the way we decide to wear our hair shows who we are as an individual.
16. Have you ever thought about going back to a relaxer?
17. What do you like most about being natural?
My hair is so versatile in it's natural state. I can achieve so many different looks.
18. What do you like least about being natural?
The constant need to moisturize because sometimes I just do not feel like it.
19. Who is your favorite YouTuber and why?
I canNOT name one ... click to check out their videos.
Vlogging - TheLavigneLife
Fashion - TheChicNatural
Fashion - PeakMill
Hair - BlakizBeautyful
20. Shout out a curl friend.
Nancy AND Jennifer ! Highschool Friends :)

Thank You For Reading, Be Blessed !

Saturday, April 12, 2014

6 Month Post BC: Acceptance


In a previous blog I expressed why I went back to being natural. Given the reasons that my hair was always thin and lacked body and I just couldn't stand it. I wanted fuller, longer and just...MORE HAIR. I've always been indecisive in my hair decision making. I love switching up styles and cutting my hair. In other words, I tend to get bored easily with it. But going natural became much more than eliminating "thin looking hair". Now 6 months later I'm realizing what the process all means to me.

As I am here watching natural hair videos, something crossed my mind. I remember my previous roommate said to my boyfriend, that he likes "bald women", referring to me, because I had just gotten my hair cut. It was still permed but it was tapered. Now his response, in my opinion, was wise. I know he prefers straight long hair but he loved me for who I was as an individual not for how my hair looked. But to me, that statement meant that to her, having hair was everything. When to me, it always meant very little. By that time, it was the third time I'd cut my hair short after letting it grow out on three different occasions. HAIR GROWS BACK. Early on in life I learned to avoid emotional attachment to things that can be lost but replaced. Then realizing the importance of valuing the things that can be lost that I can't ever get back. 

So my questions are as followed, why do others associate women who have short hair with ugliness? Why is a beautiful woman defined as having long flowing hair? Why are looser curl patterns so praised and adored? Why is it difficult to embrace who we are? Why is it so difficult to remember we are made with UNIQUENESS? That was the purpose, for no one 'individual' to be the same. So why do we always strive for sameness when the point is to stand out with individualism.

All of these questions are rhetorical because beauty has no real definition. Everyone views it differently. The definition it self says, something that is pleasing to one's own eye sight. This journey has allowed me to learn that loving yourself enough to block out negativity is important. You need to accept you, for the things you can't change and learn to embrace them. (Which for me, would be my thin hair)  I've learned that accepting the apology you never received will help you let go of malice & hostility in your heart and mind. Lastly, I'm learning to accept everything God gave me and treasuring it in all it's uniqueness. 


Sunday, March 30, 2014

This is AWESOME !

Hello World and Fellow Bloggers !!

So recently, this past summer I got into blogging. I know a few people who were doing it before I was, who've actually inspired me to begin.

Why do I like blogging?!
1. Blogging is how I get my thoughts and advice out to everyone at once.
2. It's a way for me to connect with people who share my interests.
3. It's a way to do something that I enjoy (writing) and use it to positively affect others lives.
Honestly, I'm enjoying every bit of it !
4. The best part is, I don't have to write about anything in particular. Just whatever I want. The true  beauty of freedom.

I think it's important to know that you're apart of a discourse community, no matter what you enjoy doing. It's good to know you have people you can relate to. It's refreshing to share your ideas and thoughts with people who are like you and who can understand where you're coming from. So here a few people from MY PERSONAL (that i know) discourse community:


SB: Remember to never down play your dreams because they may not seem extreme or exciting. If everyone can not do it, feel special that you can and do your best at it.


Photo Cred:

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rate...DrawYourProfessor ?!

Hello World and College Students !!

So while scrolling down my Facebook , I found a post to a link for a web page called "Draw your Professor". The title caught my attention so of course I clicked the link. At first it looked like a bogus website, so I check it out further. Turns out, It's not ! So of course I searched for my school and professor to draw. And look what I came up with ...

 DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way, shape, or form attempting to make fun of her. This was just a failed drawing attempt. My professor is pretty young, has naturally blonde hair dyed black, always wears red lipstick, has a lot of tattoos, and always wears the color black. Pretty misguided stereotype for a "Children's Literature Professor", right? LoL

Anyway check out the website HERE , Search for your school and professor and get creative !!


Friday, March 14, 2014

6 Month Post BC: Update

Hello World & Naturalistas !

Yessssss ! It's about that time to do my half way year mark .. 6 months post Big Chop post. Wooo, my excitement is on another level right now. Lol. So the pic below is to show my progress in real time, Pic 1 is Month 1, Pic 2 is month 3 and Pic 3 is Month 6.

As you may or may not be able to tell my hair grew fuller and my edges even grew in after months on cutting back on edge manipulation.


In a previous blog I spoke about the regimen that I was currently using .. check that out HERE.

I'm currently in the process of figuring out what my hair wants, it's so picky! I started doing hot oil treatments using olive oil, Cantu Shea Butter prepoos and stopped using the Cholesterol deep conditioner every week. My hair started feeling softer and I could see my natural curl pattern coming through. I also went and picked up a Shea Moisture Curl & Shine repair kit. The styling products seem to work well for me, because my twist outs were poppin. But I'll hold off on the product reviews until I've used them for a decent amount of time.

Includes ..
Wash every week or every two (when I get lazy)
I'm deciding on a shampoo right now .. I'm trying Suave Naturals and Shea Moisture.
For deep conditioning I think I'll switch to the Hair Mayonnaise.
I'll keep you posted on this my products.

*People say that you shouldn't focus on the curl pattern of your hair, but truthfully when it is moisturized and healthy those curls/waves will start popping automatically, I am a witness.*

Protective Styling

As I mentioned before, some people's hair grows better when left alone. I am one of those people. So right now I have in Marley Twists. Truthfully, I am tired of doing my hair, so I'm giving both of us a break. It is now the middle of March, I plan on keeping them until May. Hopefully they make it till then.

*Click HERE to check out Stranzz Beauty Supply to order some Marley Hair today, THEY DELIVER*

For everyone who is newly natural and caught up in the hype, I need you to know that I am by no means an expert on this hair thing. The ends of my hair keep thinning out and quiet frankly I'm tired of cutting them. I need to start doing mid week moisturizing, I think that's part of the reason I keep experiencing thinning ends. Feel free to let me know what you think.



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