Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Follow Your Dreams

Hello World !!

      Sometimes people only go to college because their parents/family expect them to, or even force them to. Then on top of expecting them to go, they force them to study in a particular field because of how much money they can make. What's the point of making so much money, if you're going to be miserable doing it?  A lot of people have been blessed with the gift of art. Such as; painting, drawing, hair, makeup, fashion designing, sculpting, editing, pottery, poetry, dance, sing, hosting, disc jockey, professional sport player, writing etc. But because these things are considered "hobbies" and not a way to survive in life, they often are forced to take up something more "practical".

       The people who are blessed with these "hobbies" are usually passionate about them. They are passionate about positively affecting everyone they come in contact with. They don't do it FOR the money, the money is just a bonus. They simply love what they do.

       I am so happy that I have a very supportive mother who ALWAYS encouraged me to continue to do what I loved. She never discouraged me in any dream I had. She never told me that it would be too hard, that it would take too long, or that I wouldn't make much money doing it. She always said if that's what you want to do, I will support you 100%. I remember back when I was four, My mother would always have me say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Today, I firmly believe that if it is meant to be, you will prosper in it. Especially if you work hard for it.


*Follow your dreams
*Don't be afraid go out on that limb and take a chance at what could possibly be. The honest truth is that, you'll never know until you try it for yourself.
*Don't let anyone live the life they wish they had, through you.
*Be all YOU were created to be.
*Don't be afraid to fail and don't be afraid of rejection.

With that being said, I would like to announce the beginning of a new journey in my life. I am currently in the process of beginning the publishing process of my first Children's book. Yes, I said first, signifying that there should and will be more to come. With this book I hope to reach libraries, classrooms, and homes to show children the art of patience and acceptance, with a little bit of humor. Even for us adults it can be hard to accept the things we can not change and MANY of us lack patience. (Let's be real) But with this book I hope to encourage the two, with a commonality amongst children; welcoming a new baby! I feel the book will be suitable for ages 7 and up. I have started a campaign through GoFundMe to begin the process. I have reached more than a quarter of my goal in only 5 days ! I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who really support and believe in me and my dream. If you are interested in donating to the cause CLICK ME. If you are unable to give a monetary gift at this time, please support by sharing my story with others who can benefit from my book. That includes, teachers, principals, mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends, EVERYONE. 

Thank You For Reading, Be Blessed !


 photo cred:

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