Friday, March 14, 2014

6 Month Post BC: Update

Hello World & Naturalistas !

Yessssss ! It's about that time to do my half way year mark .. 6 months post Big Chop post. Wooo, my excitement is on another level right now. Lol. So the pic below is to show my progress in real time, Pic 1 is Month 1, Pic 2 is month 3 and Pic 3 is Month 6.

As you may or may not be able to tell my hair grew fuller and my edges even grew in after months on cutting back on edge manipulation.


In a previous blog I spoke about the regimen that I was currently using .. check that out HERE.

I'm currently in the process of figuring out what my hair wants, it's so picky! I started doing hot oil treatments using olive oil, Cantu Shea Butter prepoos and stopped using the Cholesterol deep conditioner every week. My hair started feeling softer and I could see my natural curl pattern coming through. I also went and picked up a Shea Moisture Curl & Shine repair kit. The styling products seem to work well for me, because my twist outs were poppin. But I'll hold off on the product reviews until I've used them for a decent amount of time.

Includes ..
Wash every week or every two (when I get lazy)
I'm deciding on a shampoo right now .. I'm trying Suave Naturals and Shea Moisture.
For deep conditioning I think I'll switch to the Hair Mayonnaise.
I'll keep you posted on this my products.

*People say that you shouldn't focus on the curl pattern of your hair, but truthfully when it is moisturized and healthy those curls/waves will start popping automatically, I am a witness.*

Protective Styling

As I mentioned before, some people's hair grows better when left alone. I am one of those people. So right now I have in Marley Twists. Truthfully, I am tired of doing my hair, so I'm giving both of us a break. It is now the middle of March, I plan on keeping them until May. Hopefully they make it till then.

*Click HERE to check out Stranzz Beauty Supply to order some Marley Hair today, THEY DELIVER*

For everyone who is newly natural and caught up in the hype, I need you to know that I am by no means an expert on this hair thing. The ends of my hair keep thinning out and quiet frankly I'm tired of cutting them. I need to start doing mid week moisturizing, I think that's part of the reason I keep experiencing thinning ends. Feel free to let me know what you think.



Photo Cred: 

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