Sunday, March 30, 2014

This is AWESOME !

Hello World and Fellow Bloggers !!

So recently, this past summer I got into blogging. I know a few people who were doing it before I was, who've actually inspired me to begin.

Why do I like blogging?!
1. Blogging is how I get my thoughts and advice out to everyone at once.
2. It's a way for me to connect with people who share my interests.
3. It's a way to do something that I enjoy (writing) and use it to positively affect others lives.
Honestly, I'm enjoying every bit of it !
4. The best part is, I don't have to write about anything in particular. Just whatever I want. The true  beauty of freedom.

I think it's important to know that you're apart of a discourse community, no matter what you enjoy doing. It's good to know you have people you can relate to. It's refreshing to share your ideas and thoughts with people who are like you and who can understand where you're coming from. So here a few people from MY PERSONAL (that i know) discourse community:


SB: Remember to never down play your dreams because they may not seem extreme or exciting. If everyone can not do it, feel special that you can and do your best at it.


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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rate...DrawYourProfessor ?!

Hello World and College Students !!

So while scrolling down my Facebook , I found a post to a link for a web page called "Draw your Professor". The title caught my attention so of course I clicked the link. At first it looked like a bogus website, so I check it out further. Turns out, It's not ! So of course I searched for my school and professor to draw. And look what I came up with ...

 DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way, shape, or form attempting to make fun of her. This was just a failed drawing attempt. My professor is pretty young, has naturally blonde hair dyed black, always wears red lipstick, has a lot of tattoos, and always wears the color black. Pretty misguided stereotype for a "Children's Literature Professor", right? LoL

Anyway check out the website HERE , Search for your school and professor and get creative !!


Friday, March 14, 2014

6 Month Post BC: Update

Hello World & Naturalistas !

Yessssss ! It's about that time to do my half way year mark .. 6 months post Big Chop post. Wooo, my excitement is on another level right now. Lol. So the pic below is to show my progress in real time, Pic 1 is Month 1, Pic 2 is month 3 and Pic 3 is Month 6.

As you may or may not be able to tell my hair grew fuller and my edges even grew in after months on cutting back on edge manipulation.


In a previous blog I spoke about the regimen that I was currently using .. check that out HERE.

I'm currently in the process of figuring out what my hair wants, it's so picky! I started doing hot oil treatments using olive oil, Cantu Shea Butter prepoos and stopped using the Cholesterol deep conditioner every week. My hair started feeling softer and I could see my natural curl pattern coming through. I also went and picked up a Shea Moisture Curl & Shine repair kit. The styling products seem to work well for me, because my twist outs were poppin. But I'll hold off on the product reviews until I've used them for a decent amount of time.

Includes ..
Wash every week or every two (when I get lazy)
I'm deciding on a shampoo right now .. I'm trying Suave Naturals and Shea Moisture.
For deep conditioning I think I'll switch to the Hair Mayonnaise.
I'll keep you posted on this my products.

*People say that you shouldn't focus on the curl pattern of your hair, but truthfully when it is moisturized and healthy those curls/waves will start popping automatically, I am a witness.*

Protective Styling

As I mentioned before, some people's hair grows better when left alone. I am one of those people. So right now I have in Marley Twists. Truthfully, I am tired of doing my hair, so I'm giving both of us a break. It is now the middle of March, I plan on keeping them until May. Hopefully they make it till then.

*Click HERE to check out Stranzz Beauty Supply to order some Marley Hair today, THEY DELIVER*

For everyone who is newly natural and caught up in the hype, I need you to know that I am by no means an expert on this hair thing. The ends of my hair keep thinning out and quiet frankly I'm tired of cutting them. I need to start doing mid week moisturizing, I think that's part of the reason I keep experiencing thinning ends. Feel free to let me know what you think.



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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

21 Random Facts About Dyme


21 Random Facts About Me 

1. I have two middle names... the first one is Lilani the second one is a secret.

2. If I don't know something, I ALWAYS Google it.

3. In middle school, I went to a performing arts school.. for singing.

4. I have one "body" piercing.

5. When I was younger I'd put ketchup on EVERYTHING, now I hardly use it.

6. I'm acrophobic.

7. I have wide feet, so I always get a half size up in heels.

8. Space Jam was my favorite child hood movie, I wasn't into Disney Princesses.

9.  I can't sleep with socks on.

10. I avoid wearing flats like the plague, it's like the perfect odor producer. and who wants stinky feet?!

11. A part of me wants twin babies the first time around, but then I regain consciousness.

12. You suck your thumb; I rub my feet together. #DontJudgeMe

13. I dislike Summer, it's my least favorite season.

14. Instead of playing house, I'd play school. My dolls would be the students and I'd give them tests and my favorite doll "Shakira" would always get A's.

15. My favorite food to cook is Tacos.

16.  No one ever gets my jokes, then laughs when I'm not trying to be funny.

17. When I was in 5th grade I wanted to change my name to Ashley, glad I didn't.

18. At 4, I asked my mom for a brother and haven't gotten one yet. But I have three sisters. One real, one step, and one long time best friend.

19. My #1 Rule, If nothing else is clean, the bathroom has to be.

20. In 3rd grade I had a crush on this boy, who then gave me "cooties" aka Chicken Pox.*Should have done my circle circle dot dot, now I have my cootie shot chant*

21. Its 1:18am I'm eating pretzels on the couch procrastinating on homework during spring break that's due next week.


The Truth About Forever 21

Hello World !!

By now everyone is familiar with the high fashion low priced store, Forever 21. But many of you may be unfamiliar with the history and things that are going on behind the scenes. I thought that since the store is so popular amongst teens and young ladies, it'd be a hot topic !

The first store was originally founded and opened by Do Won Chang in California with the name Fashion 21 in 1984, which still has it's name today. After opening up various locations and business began rising, he changed the name to Forever 21 in 1989. He changed the name to Forever 21 because his product(s) attracted younger audiences and ladies wanting to stay young. Now with thousands of stores world wide, it is has become one of the most profitable store all of over the world. Everything is priced cheap though some things may be overpriced based on quality, this place is still highly favored. Check out this article for the full Bio: CLICK ME !!

Chang and his wife are proclaimed Christians and have decided to publicize that through their product, by printing John 3:16 on the bottom of every shopping bag. Along with various clothing items, referencing God and countless cross shaped jewelry. Because of this, Forever 21 was accused of pushing religion on it's customers. In my opinion, they are allowed to project their beliefs through their products. Other stores project themes of different natures like, Hot Topic and Hollister Co. So what's the difference?

You may have seen different locations, one saying Forever 21 and the other one saying XXI Forever. Many people believe that are the same when in reality there is truly a meaning behind it. XXI Forever signifies that that particular location has all of the selections; Forever 21 has also expanded their selection by adding Mens, Girls, Plus size, and Love 21. The other Forever 21 locations may just have the woman's section, no additional selections. Love 21 is more of a contemporary "grown up" look versus the general Forever 21 teenage fashion. It's a bit pricier as well. They also have an online store available for USA, Canada, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Europe, and Korea. Check out this article for tips for shopping at Forever 21: CLICK ME !!

Although Chang's success has skyrocketed, there are some "SECRETS" about the apparel. So a statement was given by a seamstress who claimed to be working in sweat shop conditions.  The seamstress claimed to have been told that since the clothing was only being sold for X amount, she would not be getting much to make them. Forever 21 also has had many claims against them due to copyright infringement on other clothing designs. Although the material quality may not be close, the prints and designs are spot on. Apparently they've been caught multiple times and still continue to do it. Despite all efforts to close, the company is currently rising in the stock market and is worth billions of dollars. Check out this article for more details: CLICK ME!!

To read Chang's statements on all the topics I touched based on here: CLICK ME !!

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Sunday, March 2, 2014


Even though you may not know it now or it may not seem like it at this very moment BUT everything is predestined and predetermined. Nothing in life "just happened" nothing is as an accident or a coincidence. It was either meant to open your eyes, separate you from harm, bring you closer, teach you a lesson, or prepare you for the future. So don't be discouraged by your current situation. Don't forget the rain has to come before the sun shines .. so don't give up.

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5 Months Post BC: Maintaining Length

Hello World and Naturalistas ! 

For the most part we as women deem our hair as our crown of glory. We have to make sure it looks good before we leave the house and if it doesn't, we cover it up, to avoid embarrassment. For many, it means having long hair but to others it means having healthy hair .. So today I'll list and talk about things that contribute to healthy hair and how to maintain it, whether you're relaxed, transitioning, or natural. 

1. Moisturizing: If you watch YouTube videos or keep up with hair blogs, you've heard of the LOC or LCO method. For those who may not be familiar it stands for Liquid (Water), Oil (That seals),  Conditioner/Cream. When all three of these are applied on the hair strands they help moisturize the hair. The water adds natural moisture to the hair, the conditioner adds other adherents, and the oil seals in all the moisture. When doing this LOC/LCO method there are a couple of things to keep in mind. 

First Thing: Not every oil is a sealant. Some oils sit on top of the hair shaft instead of penetrating it. The three main oils that can be used to seal are: Castor Oil, Grape seed oil, and Jojoba oil.

Second Thing: Some oils are a moisturizing oils like olive, coconut and avocado. I think that many people get the terms "moisturizing" and "sealing" confused. There is a lot of misconstrued information going around. Truthfully, the best way to know is to try it for yourself.

Third Thing: How do you know if your hair is moisturized? Well if styled wet, after it dries it should not feel wet or oily nor should it make a sound if it's rubbed in between your finger tips. Just because your hair is soft it doesn't mean the moisture is sealed in, it could just be laying on top of your hair shaft. 

Fourth Thing: Do deep conditioners, hot oil treatments, protein treatments, and cholesterol treatments.

2. Trims: Some people refuse to cut their hair because they want to grow it out long. But the important thing to keep in mind is that after 4 months or so, trims would be needed. If you see split ends, cut them off because it can cause really bad breakage. If you're natural .. when you do a wet set style like, rods or twists on wet hair and your ends flair out like paintbrush bristles, it's time for a trim! 

FYI: Always use hair sheers !

3. Breakage vs Shedding: Knowing the difference between breakage and shedding is essential to maintaining length. One way to depict shedding .. if you see a white bulb at the end of the strand, that is a sign that it's coming directly from the root. In this case, the strand is growing a new and pushing out the old one. Breakage are hairs that have broken at a point in a hair strand.

Breakage can be caused by many factors, such as:
1. Too much manipulation
2. Being too rough
3. Split ends

4. Moisturizing scalp: I watch a lot of natural YouTube guru's and only once did I come across a video about scalp moisturizing. Everyone rants about hair but they neglect the scalp. We produce natural oils but some people, like me, suffer from dry scalp and need to put extra effort on moisturizing it. That's where my hair grows from, so it is important for me to stimulate that growth. 

 5. Heat: Natural or Relaxed, Transitioning ... If you are going to burn your hair strands, make sure the process is short, sweet, and not frequent. Make sure you protect the strands so they can't feel the heat. Relaxed chicks .. I know you don't want thin, shedding hair. And the naturally curly chicks ... will be crying for their curls back... So protect your hair !

6. Low Manipulation: Doing styles that require less hand on hair stimulation tends to respond better .. people with hair like this ... have really picky hair... that does not like to be touched. So, protective styling like weaves, braids, twists, and crotchet braids, will assist in growth.  Though you should be careful of styles done too tight or those that stay in too long .. because it can cause more harm than good ... (breakage) and then you'd blame me for the bad advice.


It's important to Know your hair: The key to learning is trial and error ... knowing what products your hair loves and sticking them. The quote "If it's not broke don't fix it" applies here. PRODUCT JUNKIES HOLD OFF AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. Learn what habits it loves and stick to them. If your hair loves low manipulation because you over manipulate it when it's out ... do protective styling. Also, protect when using heat. & Don't forget the scarf !!!


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Hello World !!

Alright so I was on Youtube watching one of my subscriptions MyInvisibleChyrsalis (Check her out, she's hilarious) on Youtube and she recently posted this TAG, so I figured I'd do it. It's different from the usual posts and it's just a way for you guys to get to know me a little better. Please do enjoy these 50 facts about me ... 

1. What are you wearing? Well today was church day and now it's chill time (literally) cause I feel like I'm outside inside .. so a tee, a blazer, a pea coat, a scarf, jeans, and socks. (compliments of forever 21, H&M)
2. Ever been in love? :) Half of my readers would probably think no, but I beg to differ.
3. Ever had a terrible breakup? Yea
4. How tall are you? The best size lol, truthfully I don't know.
5. How much do you weigh? Too much to carry, light enough to ride the merry-go-round.

6. Any tattoos? ... no...
7. Any piercings? Are ears considered one or two? lol if considered one, then I have 3.
8. OTP (One True Pairing: what's your favorite fictional couple)? The Huxtables

9. Favourite show? Well, when I actually watched TV... Grey's Anatomy.
10. Favourite bands? I would like to consider Chris Brown a One Man Band for this one
11. Something you miss? hanging out with my partner in crime .. my momma.
12. Favourite song? No such thing.
13. How old are you? 20

14. Zodiac sign? Scorpio & believe me, it gets no better than this.
15. Quality you look for in a partner? Ambition

16: Favourite Quote?

17: Favourite actor? Between Will Smith and Denzel Washington.
18: Favourite color? Red.
19: Loud music or soft? Depends on my mood.
20: Where do you go when you're sad? Youtube ! To listen to some music or watch my fav youtubers.

21: How long does it take you to shower? Long enough.
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? If I know what I'm wearing and don't have to do my hair like, half hour. If not, an hour.
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Yes..
24: Turn on? Sincere, funny, attractive, ambitious, spiritual ...
25: Turn off? Arrogance.
26: The reason I joined Youtube? There's a video for EVERY/ANYTHING I guaruntee it.
27: Fears? Bugs and rodents.
28: Last thing that made you cry? The episode of Mobbed when he proposed to his girlfriend and married her on the spot. He had the dress, her best friends, and family there. It was beautiful man lol.
29: Last time you said you loved someone? I tell it to my friends all the time!
30: Meaning behind your Youtube/Blogging Name? blog name: bucketlistdreams .. which means I want to fulfill all my dreams before I die.
31: Last book you read? Some picture books ..

32: The book you're currently reading? Where the Sidewalk Ends for my Children's Literature class.
33: Last show you watched? Can't remember .. I don't watch tv

34: Last person you talked to? My grandpa
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? My boyfriend
36: Favourite food? Jamaican and Portuguese Food.
37: Place you want to visit? Paris, Nigeria, Brazil
38: Last place you were? The basement
39: Do you have a crush? Dwyane Wade ... Yes Lord !
40: Last time you kissed someone? I plead the fifth.

41: Last time you were insulted? smh... a few minutes ago
42: Favourite flavour of sweet? APPLE .. yum
43: What instruments do you play? I went through, a recorder, trumpet, and keyboard ... and learned nothing.
44: Favourite piece of jewelery? necklace my mom bought me 2 years ago
45: Last sport you played? ... this college work ... I burn at least 754 calories writing these papers.
46: Last song you sang? The old rugged cross hymnal .. it was communion Sunday

47: Favourite chat up line? "Soooo .. what's your major?"

48: Have you ever used it? All the Time !
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Friday night.
50: Who should answer these questions next? Everyone I know that who has a blog !

Thanks For Reading, Stay Blessed !


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