Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Hello World !!

So, being observant and everything I've noticed that I've been getting quite a bit of interesting feedback. What makes the feedback interesting is that it comes from those I least expect. Which goes to show that people ARE actually READING my blogs. & I want to take time out to THANK all of you. I really enjoy writing and I think that being able to use writing to inspire others is awesome. It's truly a blessing to be able to try something new and nurse it until it grows into something beautiful.

It's so exciting.

I honestly believe that life is a road with many directions and only one destination. None of us know what our direct future really holds, even though we may dream and dwell on what we would like it to be. Often times we're reminded that we have no say in our destination when the unexpected does happen. Sorta like this!... I wouldn't have thought that I'd have a blog, or that I'd be natural, or that I'd even be up at this very hour on Christmas Day writing this post. Crazy right? Exactly. So, my point is that you never know where life may take you, so don't sell yourself short.

Until next time Everyone

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays !

SB: Please remember to keep CHRIST in Christmas. Please do not forget the original purpose of celebrating and what the holiday is really about. Also, don't go broke trying to play Santa, the people with deserving hearts would understand. Be Safe & Be Merry ! I know I will be; with the hot chocolate & all.

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