Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Skin Care: Product Review

Today I want to do a product review on Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub. For a while now I've been experiencing large pores. Which I researched and found that my pores aren't necessarily "becoming larger" just "dirtier". When dirt and my skin's natural oil gets trapped inside the pores, they become more visible. In the beginning I purchased the store brand version of Clean and Clear Morning Scrub with Vitamin C. That product didn't leave my face FEELING clean. Maybe it was clean but it sure didn't feel like it. Then I started using coconut oil to moisturize my skin ... which was just mistake on top of mistake. Weeks after use, my pores were still very visible. I came to the conclusion that the product was not doing it's job. At that point, I began researching facial washes that can reduce large pores. Someone suggested Biore. They said that it was a very good, very inexpensive alternative. I decided to go out and purchase this particular bottle for "Pore Unclogging". It was about 8$ at my local Walgreens. I can say that after a few washes my facial pores are definitely less visible. They are still visible but not so obvious and definitely smaller in sight. FYI: While washing with the product it tends to tingle .. I'm guessing those are the blue beads in it working on my pores. After drying my face with a washcloth, my skin becomes dry. So I re-moisturize with cocoa butter lotion.

I start of moistening my face with warm water and then rub my face with the facial scrub. I use warm water and lather the product into my skin. Then I rinse it all off thoroughly with warm water, followed by cool water. This technique is supposed to open my pores to let in the product and allow it to clean out my pores and the cool water is supposed to close them back. This method I found through research. Whether it is dermatologist approved or not, I do not know.

I always feel the need to add a disclaimer because people will go out and try these products and try these methods and blame me if they don't work. LOL Hopefully by now we are all aware that everyone is not the same and what works for one, does not work for all.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

7 Month Post BC: Protein Overload?

Now I know it always seems like it's always SOMETHING with me and this hair of mine and the fact that sometimes I just can't get it to corporate. But at the end of the day I'm okay with it because I'm learning as it's growing and as I'm growing. This is an overall process that I am learning from.

About three weeks ago my hair started to feel hard and dry right after I did it and it doesn't usually feel that way. So I did research and found out that I could be suffering from protein overload. Apparently our hair needs protein but too little or too much can be a bad thing. Now in the past, I've ranted about how much I love Cantu Shea Butter and how when I would do pre poos and after washing it out my hair would feel like butter. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Well after a while my hair didn't feel like butter; instead it felt hard and after rinsing it felt dry. The Cantu Shea Butter and pretty much every other product I was using in my hair had coconut (oil) in it and FYI coconut has protein in it. The fact that I was using Cantu Shea Butter every week, more than twice a week and shampooing and styling with coconut (oil) based products just put my hair into shock.

After that, I looked at all the labels of my hair products and temporarily stopped using all the ones that had protein or coconut (oil) in it. I used Suave Shampoo to clarify my hair and Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter with Argan Oil Masque to replenish moisture and styled using Naptural85's Shea Butter Mix. My hair felt better but I continued to use this regimen to help reduce the protein on my strands. It seems to be working... This is week three. I will keep you updated.

Now, I don't know if I really have protein overload or what because I did not go to a professional but my hair started to feel crazy dry and I needed to do something to fix it and cutting my hair's protein intake seemed to work.

For more tips and info about natural hair care check out the blog below.

Photo Cred: http://www.justgrowalready.com/


7 Month Post BC: Natural Hair TAG !!

Hello to All of My Faithful and New Readers !! 

The semester is finally OVER so I get a little breathing room in my brain to catch up with these blogs for you guys. *happy dance* BRIEF UPDATE: I am trying to make my life much more exciting than it already is. HA. So I have decided to create challenges. The FIRST challenge is to begin my new years resolution. Yea, yea I know it's May and to not have started yet is crazy but it's been a rough semester. School was my main priority and work came second.  The SECOND is healthy living. Which includes eating better and working out. I realized that diabetes runs so heavily in my family and for an individual who loves CANDY I think it's crucial to monitor my intake. I plan to update you with my second challenge in future blogs.

I was watching Youtube videos; which is a daily thing for me and I came across this TAG. This particular one was made by CurlTube on Youtube Go check her out !!! Feel free to answer these questions as well, whether you choose to do them on your own blog or in the comment box below. Your feedback is ALWAYS appreciated :D

1. How long have you been natural?
7 months ... My last relaxer was in about April 2013, transitioned for 6 months then big chopped in October 2013.
2. Why did you go natural?
Because I couldn't stand the look of my thin straight hair.
3. What was your partner and/or family response to your decision to go natural?
Partner's response ... was pretty much like oo okay wow this is different haha. Grandparents said "OMG what happened to your hair?!" My mother and aunts LOVED it.
4. Did you big chop or transition?
I did both ... but when I cut my hair I was pratically bald .. so BC.
5. What is the current length of your hair?
It's shoulder length.
6. What is your hair goal?
My overall hair goal is health, despite the length. But lengthwise not too long. I don't like too much hair. Bra strap length is good enough.
7. What is your hair type?
4a & 4b curls. Thin, fine hair texture.
8. What is your staple hair style?
Twist outs ! The ONLY style I can seem to pull off.
9. What is your favorite protective style?
Senegalese Twists or Marley Twists
10. Braid out or twist out?
I've never actually tried a braid out ... when I do, I'll tell you my preference.
11. Are you a product junkie?
YES .. but I have calmed down. I like to back track on things I stopped using to see if my hair will like it that time around.
12. What is your favorite hair product?
RIGHT NOW ... I want to say the Shea Moisture Yucca and Baobab Hair Milk.
13. Do you cowash?
NEVER .. it leaves too much itchy buildup on my scalp.
14. What tool can you not live without?
my sheers. I am always trying to snip off those single strand knots.
15. Describe your natural hair journey in 1 word.
Inspiring... I've honestly been asked so many questions for advice on what someone can do with their hair or how they can achieve certain hairstyles. And it's a great feeling to know that I am inspiring someone to embrace who they are. Because honestly our hair is apart of what makes us who we are. I think the way we decide to wear our hair shows who we are as an individual.
16. Have you ever thought about going back to a relaxer?
17. What do you like most about being natural?
My hair is so versatile in it's natural state. I can achieve so many different looks.
18. What do you like least about being natural?
The constant need to moisturize because sometimes I just do not feel like it.
19. Who is your favorite YouTuber and why?
I canNOT name one ... click to check out their videos.
Vlogging - TheLavigneLife
Fashion - TheChicNatural
Fashion - PeakMill
Hair - BlakizBeautyful
20. Shout out a curl friend.
Nancy AND Jennifer ! Highschool Friends :)

Thank You For Reading, Be Blessed !