Saturday, November 9, 2013

1 Month Post BC (Big Chop)

Hello world !! 

 Welcome to my natural hair journey ... I've been completely natural for over a month now. I've received many different reactions; some hate it & others love it. After a while you realize that the opinions of others don't matter as long as you are comfortable in who you are. 

I can say it's been far from easy .. But I never think to go back to perming. Since going natural is a trend it would be fair assume the same is here but I'm informing you otherwise. 

Reasons I went natural:

1. I can't stand my hair when it's starts to grow long while it's permed. I have naturally thin hair & when it began to grow to my shoulders it always looked so thin.. & I didn't like it. So I decided to cut it short or I would curl it at times. 

2. But the reason I decided to actually begin the natural process is because I received über encouragement from my aunt. I became as educated as possible by her means while I transitioned & when I was finally ready I BC'd. 

Things you should know before going natural:

1. By no means is it EASY. It requires time & patience & TLC (Tender Love and Care), as does permed hair & your body. Certain things require effort & maintenance to remain healthy & your hair is one of those things whether you choose to perm or go natural. 


Fros are optional. Going natural does not mean you have to have a fro. Certain manipulation styling opens doors to new styles. Get creative ... Add a hair accessory to make it interesting. 


Heat is optional: when you are natural it is possible to straighten your hair to achieve the permed look.. & when you miss your curls all you have to do is wash it. It's just that simple. Tip: Always make sure you use a good heat protectant to prevent heat damage. 

4. Everyone's hair is not the same! There are different types and textures. So if and when you watch tutorials and/or seek advice make sure they have the same type of hair you do for the best results. 


Below is a picture of me the day after my big chop & the one below it is a month later. I'm always one to rant about growth but without me even noticing, it grew so much & I'm excited to see what lies ahead  !